Tidy Towns Awards Reward Progress and Volunteers - photos coming soon!
Competition fierce in all categories as progress celebrated.
Monaghan Tidy Towns 7th Annual Awards took place this week in the packed Town Hall of the Westenra Hotel. The awards, now in their seventh year, saw another increase in nominees and some new categories for window display, service stations and public buildings. Committee secretary, Emer Brennan was MC for the night and introduced speakers Cllr Seamus Treanor, current Cathaoirleach of Monaghan Town Council, and visiting judge Larry Magnier from Blackrock, Co. Louth. Cllr Robbie Gallagher and Cllr Paudge Connolly also attended to help make presentations to award winners. There were apologies from the Sinn Fein councillors who had another engagement and Cllr David Maxwell who had to leave early due to other commitments.
Cllr Treanor praised the work of the committee, volunteers and the council staff, all of whom played a significant role in the improving score for Monaghan Town.
Judge Larry Magnier spoke of the pleasure he had in visiting the town and of how impressed he was by the standard of presentation of businesses, estates and gardens.
He said that he was delighted to hear that the Monaghan had received such a great points boost in the National Tidy Towns Awards score in September as he believed that the town had been seriously underscored in the past. He added that he hadn’t been to Monaghan for many years and he was very impressed by the developments that had taken place. He added that with the progress being made, it would not be long until Monaghan would be in contention. Describing his experience with Blackrock, a seafront town, he said that Monaghan was fortunate to have such lovely architecture, a beautiful lake in the town and many other features that provided a great basis to work on.
Committee secretary Emer Brennan thanked the many groups and individuals who had worked hard to help Monaghan look good this year - staff and workers of Monaghan Town Council and Monaghan County Council, Marie Deighan, Gareth Mc Mahon, David Fallon, Niall O Connor, Carmel Brennan, Carol Lambe, Denis Flannery, Billy Flynn, Richie Barry, Francie Coogan, John Nutley, the Courts Service, the town and county councillors for bringing up issues, supporting Tidy Towns and coming out to help, and all members of the committee, all the “Litter Vigilantes”, all those who come out and volunteer with community clean ups, Rehab Care, residents committees, the local schools and Green Schools participants, and the Westenra Hotel.
She then called out the list of nominees in each category followed by the winners. All nominees received a certificate and the winners a framed winner’s certificate. Magnificent cups and plaques were sponsored by well known volunteer Mr. Francie Coogan (New Terrace), Mr.George Wright (Mill Street) and the ICA with a new cup for 2012 sponsored by last years Hall of Fame winners Bernard and Teresa Meehan of Hilldene House. The awards night is sponsored by Monaghan County Council which has been so supportive of the Tidy Towns effort.
Emer Brennan explained that the number of nominees in each category had continued to grow and that new categories had been added. .
“Competition in the shop front, business front and best pub categories is fierce with several former award winners in each section, all of whom have made an extra effort this year. Deciding on winners in these categories was very tough so we were delighted to have an independent outsider come in and do it for us. The crowd that attended the awards tonight is a testament to the interest that is there in having your premises looking well and contributing to the overall presentation of the town.”
“The committee are also continuing the practice of recognising those who make a special effort in volunteering to help out the Tidy Towns cause in Monaghan. We have christened these awards the “Tidy Towns Heroes”. Rehab Care go out and litter pick around the Mall Road, Ulster Canal Walk area of town on a regular basis. Gerry Murdock is one of our better known “litter vigilantes”, going out and litter picking on the Monaghan Bypass daily and staff of Mr Ks have been noted hovering on Market Street!. Francie Coogan ensures that the area around New Terrace/ Coolshannagh is ablaze with floral colour all year round and Anne Summers, Sinead Murphy and Louise Meehan have made an enormous contribution by leading Junior Tidy Towns in Killygoan and Coolshannagh Walk estates respectively,” she said.
“Judge Larry Magnier was particularly impressed by the presentation of our public buildings. The residents of estates where Junior Tidy Towns are now well established were recognised for their contribution which continues to grow and has enormous potential for the future of Tidy Towns in Monaghan.”
“It is particularly pleasing that several people expressed an interest in getting more involved in Tidy Towns on the night. We welcome new members either as volunteers or committee members or both. There’s a place for everyone in Tidy Towns. Contact us through our web site www.monaghantidytowns.com or by calling Emer at 086 3908504 or Cheryl at 086 2270957 or by contacting any member of the committee.”
The secretary concluded by thanking Rory Geary, the Northern Standard and Northern Sound for their support in helping the committee to continually highlight the Tidy Towns message.”
Miss Brennan concluded by saying that the committee planned to develop the awards further next year and welcomed any suggestions from the public in how they could be further improved.
The 2012 awards winners were (with judges remarks)
Best Estate: Winners of The Coogan Family Perpetual Cup: Oakridge
Oakridge was outstanding on the day of judging.
Best Estate Entrance: (Winners of the Francie Coogan Perpetual Plaque)
Belgium Park, Kilnacloy Residents Association - the large stone carved with Belgium Park’s name was beautifully surrounded by nasturtiums which were replicated in other areas of the estate.
Best Shop Front: House of Labels / Esprit – winners of a really strong category, this building stood out for its colour, floral display and innovation. The judge said he had never seen outdoor wallpaper before!
Best Pub: The Squealing Pig, The Diamond. Judged as a building with a superb use of colour, fabulous window boxes and the judge remarked “lifts the entire Diamond with its Mediterranean feel”
Best Business Front: Barry Healy & Co. Hillside: “Smart and tidy with a lovely contrast of colour with its bright red floral arrangements”
Best Hotel/Tourism: The Westenra Hotel, The Diamond “Outstanding, this town centre hotel had a real Wow factor on the day of judging”
Best B&B Ashleigh House, Dublin Street, “nice use of colour and super floral arrangements lift the lower end of Dublin Street considerably”
Best Restaurant or Take Away: Dinkin’s Restaurant and Teach Aindí shared the award. “Both excellent but different in scale. Dinkins wise use of colour and window boxes stand out and their tasteful banners show how it should be done. Teach Aindi was exceptionally tidy with a stunning floral display on the day”
Best Service Station: Sam’s Bridge, Coolshannagh “Winners of a difficult section, service stations are a little at the mercy of their customers with regard to litter. Better provision of bins, seating for customers and attempts to improve the surrounding area won it for them.”
Best Window Display: Star Lighting, Glaslough Street, “window display here was exemplary, hard to beat.”
Monaghan’s Prettiest Garden: Mr. Myers, Clones Road. “This exceptionally tidy garden just shone out in beautiful colour against pristine white walls”
Mature Garden Award: Dawson and Pearl Breakey, Tully. “The observer can see the long term effort put in to this garden over many years. A great example of a sustainable garden.”
Best Floral Display: Sew and Sews, Dublin Street. “A delight, a little oasis of beauty in a little alley in Dublin Street”
Public Building: Monaghan Town Hall – “Monaghan’s public buildings are excellent. This building was obviously recently painted and had magnificent window boxes. A fine example of what can be done. Simply stunning!”
Tidy Towns Heroes / Community Awards
This award is given to those whose volunteerism on a regular basis makes a very significant contribution to the Tidy Towns effort in Monaghan Town.
Monaghan Tidy Towns 7th Annual Awards took place this week in the packed Town Hall of the Westenra Hotel. The awards, now in their seventh year, saw another increase in nominees and some new categories for window display, service stations and public buildings. Committee secretary, Emer Brennan was MC for the night and introduced speakers Cllr Seamus Treanor, current Cathaoirleach of Monaghan Town Council, and visiting judge Larry Magnier from Blackrock, Co. Louth. Cllr Robbie Gallagher and Cllr Paudge Connolly also attended to help make presentations to award winners. There were apologies from the Sinn Fein councillors who had another engagement and Cllr David Maxwell who had to leave early due to other commitments.
Cllr Treanor praised the work of the committee, volunteers and the council staff, all of whom played a significant role in the improving score for Monaghan Town.
Judge Larry Magnier spoke of the pleasure he had in visiting the town and of how impressed he was by the standard of presentation of businesses, estates and gardens.
He said that he was delighted to hear that the Monaghan had received such a great points boost in the National Tidy Towns Awards score in September as he believed that the town had been seriously underscored in the past. He added that he hadn’t been to Monaghan for many years and he was very impressed by the developments that had taken place. He added that with the progress being made, it would not be long until Monaghan would be in contention. Describing his experience with Blackrock, a seafront town, he said that Monaghan was fortunate to have such lovely architecture, a beautiful lake in the town and many other features that provided a great basis to work on.
Committee secretary Emer Brennan thanked the many groups and individuals who had worked hard to help Monaghan look good this year - staff and workers of Monaghan Town Council and Monaghan County Council, Marie Deighan, Gareth Mc Mahon, David Fallon, Niall O Connor, Carmel Brennan, Carol Lambe, Denis Flannery, Billy Flynn, Richie Barry, Francie Coogan, John Nutley, the Courts Service, the town and county councillors for bringing up issues, supporting Tidy Towns and coming out to help, and all members of the committee, all the “Litter Vigilantes”, all those who come out and volunteer with community clean ups, Rehab Care, residents committees, the local schools and Green Schools participants, and the Westenra Hotel.
She then called out the list of nominees in each category followed by the winners. All nominees received a certificate and the winners a framed winner’s certificate. Magnificent cups and plaques were sponsored by well known volunteer Mr. Francie Coogan (New Terrace), Mr.George Wright (Mill Street) and the ICA with a new cup for 2012 sponsored by last years Hall of Fame winners Bernard and Teresa Meehan of Hilldene House. The awards night is sponsored by Monaghan County Council which has been so supportive of the Tidy Towns effort.
Emer Brennan explained that the number of nominees in each category had continued to grow and that new categories had been added. .
“Competition in the shop front, business front and best pub categories is fierce with several former award winners in each section, all of whom have made an extra effort this year. Deciding on winners in these categories was very tough so we were delighted to have an independent outsider come in and do it for us. The crowd that attended the awards tonight is a testament to the interest that is there in having your premises looking well and contributing to the overall presentation of the town.”
“The committee are also continuing the practice of recognising those who make a special effort in volunteering to help out the Tidy Towns cause in Monaghan. We have christened these awards the “Tidy Towns Heroes”. Rehab Care go out and litter pick around the Mall Road, Ulster Canal Walk area of town on a regular basis. Gerry Murdock is one of our better known “litter vigilantes”, going out and litter picking on the Monaghan Bypass daily and staff of Mr Ks have been noted hovering on Market Street!. Francie Coogan ensures that the area around New Terrace/ Coolshannagh is ablaze with floral colour all year round and Anne Summers, Sinead Murphy and Louise Meehan have made an enormous contribution by leading Junior Tidy Towns in Killygoan and Coolshannagh Walk estates respectively,” she said.
“Judge Larry Magnier was particularly impressed by the presentation of our public buildings. The residents of estates where Junior Tidy Towns are now well established were recognised for their contribution which continues to grow and has enormous potential for the future of Tidy Towns in Monaghan.”
“It is particularly pleasing that several people expressed an interest in getting more involved in Tidy Towns on the night. We welcome new members either as volunteers or committee members or both. There’s a place for everyone in Tidy Towns. Contact us through our web site www.monaghantidytowns.com or by calling Emer at 086 3908504 or Cheryl at 086 2270957 or by contacting any member of the committee.”
The secretary concluded by thanking Rory Geary, the Northern Standard and Northern Sound for their support in helping the committee to continually highlight the Tidy Towns message.”
Miss Brennan concluded by saying that the committee planned to develop the awards further next year and welcomed any suggestions from the public in how they could be further improved.
The 2012 awards winners were (with judges remarks)
Best Estate: Winners of The Coogan Family Perpetual Cup: Oakridge
Oakridge was outstanding on the day of judging.
Best Estate Entrance: (Winners of the Francie Coogan Perpetual Plaque)
Belgium Park, Kilnacloy Residents Association - the large stone carved with Belgium Park’s name was beautifully surrounded by nasturtiums which were replicated in other areas of the estate.
Best Shop Front: House of Labels / Esprit – winners of a really strong category, this building stood out for its colour, floral display and innovation. The judge said he had never seen outdoor wallpaper before!
Best Pub: The Squealing Pig, The Diamond. Judged as a building with a superb use of colour, fabulous window boxes and the judge remarked “lifts the entire Diamond with its Mediterranean feel”
Best Business Front: Barry Healy & Co. Hillside: “Smart and tidy with a lovely contrast of colour with its bright red floral arrangements”
Best Hotel/Tourism: The Westenra Hotel, The Diamond “Outstanding, this town centre hotel had a real Wow factor on the day of judging”
Best B&B Ashleigh House, Dublin Street, “nice use of colour and super floral arrangements lift the lower end of Dublin Street considerably”
Best Restaurant or Take Away: Dinkin’s Restaurant and Teach Aindí shared the award. “Both excellent but different in scale. Dinkins wise use of colour and window boxes stand out and their tasteful banners show how it should be done. Teach Aindi was exceptionally tidy with a stunning floral display on the day”
Best Service Station: Sam’s Bridge, Coolshannagh “Winners of a difficult section, service stations are a little at the mercy of their customers with regard to litter. Better provision of bins, seating for customers and attempts to improve the surrounding area won it for them.”
Best Window Display: Star Lighting, Glaslough Street, “window display here was exemplary, hard to beat.”
Monaghan’s Prettiest Garden: Mr. Myers, Clones Road. “This exceptionally tidy garden just shone out in beautiful colour against pristine white walls”
Mature Garden Award: Dawson and Pearl Breakey, Tully. “The observer can see the long term effort put in to this garden over many years. A great example of a sustainable garden.”
Best Floral Display: Sew and Sews, Dublin Street. “A delight, a little oasis of beauty in a little alley in Dublin Street”
Public Building: Monaghan Town Hall – “Monaghan’s public buildings are excellent. This building was obviously recently painted and had magnificent window boxes. A fine example of what can be done. Simply stunning!”
Tidy Towns Heroes / Community Awards
This award is given to those whose volunteerism on a regular basis makes a very significant contribution to the Tidy Towns effort in Monaghan Town.
- Rehab Care, Mall Road
- Ann Summers, Alice Creagh and Killygoan Residents /Junior Tidy Towns
- Sinead Murphy, Louise Meehan, Coolshannagh Walk Junior Tidy Towns
- Gerry Murdock
- Mr Ks, Market Street.
- Francie Coogan
Tidy Towns Annual Awards Night Approaches

Nominated - Marian and Paddy Quigleys garden, Mullagghcroghery
Expanded Awards Reflect Towns Progress in National Awards
Monaghan Tidy Towns Annual Awards will take place on Monday 26th November next at 8pm in the Westenra Hotel. The awards, now in their seventh year, have seen another increase in nominees this year. Guest judge, Larry Murtagh, of Blackrock, County Louth, was highly complimentary of the standard of presentation of properties in the town when he visited in August. Like his Tallanstown predecessor Richie Barry, he praised the standard of upkeep and presentation of businesses in the town and that there was no litter on view, even though he was visiting at the weekend. He was impressed by all the housing estates which he said were particularly tidy and well kept.
Mr Murtagh has been central to the success of Blackrock, a gold medal winner in the National Tidy Towns and a town which grew enormously during the boom years and now has over thirty housing estates. .
Monaghan Tidy Towns Committee secretary, Emer Brennan said that it was very educational to tour the town with an outsider judge to get their perspective on the town and how it is progressing.
She said that although the number of gardens nominated was down, perhaps reflecting the unfriendly weather experienced this summer, the number of nominees in all other categories was well up on previous years and that all nominees were being invited to the awards ceremony.
“Interest and competition in the awards continues to grow and the facility to nominate by text has seen greater use. Again many of the properties and gardens were nominated by address only so were probably nominated by passers-by. The committee has been delighted by the response to our call for the painting of premises which has been even better than last year. So many premises have been painted, including several major landmark properties this year. Clean, freshly painted, tidy buildings are the foundation of success and we are very grateful to everyone who has done their bit to keep the town looking good,” she said.
“This year again, everyone will receive a certificate and award winners will only be disclosed on the night. As always, the awards are sponsored by Monaghan County Council which has been so supportive of the Tidy Towns effort. This year we also have another new cup sponsored by last years Hall of Fame winners Bernard and Theresa Meehan of Hilldene House. Three new categories will include Best Public Building, Best Window Display and Best Service Station.”
“We will also be continuing our practice of recognising those who make a special effort in volunteering to help out the Tidy Towns cause in Monaghan. There will be awards for Community Endeavour including Environmentalist of the Year, Tidy Towns Heroes and Litter Vigilante.
Invitations to the award nominees are being sent out at the moment but everyone is welcome to come along. .
The 2012 awards nominees are
Best Estate:
St Patricks Tce/Belgium Sq/Pk (Kilnacloy Residents Association)
Drumbear Wood
Pound Hill/Killygoan area
Manor Wood
Glencove Manor
The Corran
Cluain Ard
Cluain Lorcan
Best Estate Entrance:
The Corran
Belgium Park
Drumbear Wood
Best Shop Front:
Albany Modern Décor, Market Street
Wards Pharmacy, Market St
Hughes Florists, Dublin St
JP Flowers, Market St
Esprit, The Diamond
Suzanne Michaels, Dublin St
Ronaghans, The Diamond
Wineways, Glaslough St
Star Lighting, Glaslough St
Mc Connons, Old Cross Square
DG Hair, Glaslough St.
Boyles, The Diamond
Magills, The Diamond
Best Pub:
The Squealing Pig, The Diamond
Master Deery’s, Park St
The Shambles, Dublin St
An Poc Fada, North Rd
Teach Aindi, Market St
Terry’s Bar, Market St
Tir na nOg , Park St
Jimmy’s Ltd, Mill St
Best Business Front:
Cinderella, Market St
Mc Ardle Cassidy Mc Quaid, North Rd
Barry Healy & Co., Hillside
Flemings Department Store, Church Square
Mc Guirk’s Fuels, Old Cross Square
Zanni, Mall Rd
Rushes Hair Salon, Dublin St
Richie’s Barbers, Dublin St
Hanrahan Travel
Bank of Ireland
National Irish Bank
Maurice Graham Ltd
Best Hotel/Tourism:
Westenra Hotel,
Four Seasons Hotel
Hillgrove Hotel
Best B&B
The Meadows B&B, Latlurcan
Ashleigh House, Dublin St.
Hilldene B&B, Canal St.
Brosna House Latlurcan
Melrose House, Killygoan
Best Restaurant or Take Away
Dinkins, Church Square
Teach Aindi, Market St
Pizza D’Or, Market St
Little Neroni, Glaslough St
The Plaza Restaurant, Old Cross Square
Pinky and Perky’s, Glaslough St.
Monaghans Prettiest Garden–
Mandy Mee, Killygoan
Sharpes, Clones Rd
Myers, Clones Road
Hughes, Clones Road
Dawson and Pearl Breakey, Tully
Roseanna Myles, 10 Beechgrove Lawns
Marian and Paddy Quigley, Mullaghcrockery,
Best Floral Display
Sponsored by Francie Coogan, New Terrace, (CUP)
Ashleigh House,
The Shambles
Town Hall
Sew and Sews, Dublin St
Teach Aindi
Mc Cleary’s, North Rd..
Public Buildings
The Market House
The County Museum
The Town Hall
Motor Tax Office
Window Display
Star Lighting
Boutique, Glaslough St
Albany Modern Décor
Shuzella, Glaslough St.
Service Stations
Topaz, N2
Sams Bridge, Drumlusk, Mace
Texaco/Centra, Dublin Rd.
Macartan Rd
Monaghan Tidy Towns Annual Awards will take place on Monday 26th November next at 8pm in the Westenra Hotel. The awards, now in their seventh year, have seen another increase in nominees this year. Guest judge, Larry Murtagh, of Blackrock, County Louth, was highly complimentary of the standard of presentation of properties in the town when he visited in August. Like his Tallanstown predecessor Richie Barry, he praised the standard of upkeep and presentation of businesses in the town and that there was no litter on view, even though he was visiting at the weekend. He was impressed by all the housing estates which he said were particularly tidy and well kept.
Mr Murtagh has been central to the success of Blackrock, a gold medal winner in the National Tidy Towns and a town which grew enormously during the boom years and now has over thirty housing estates. .
Monaghan Tidy Towns Committee secretary, Emer Brennan said that it was very educational to tour the town with an outsider judge to get their perspective on the town and how it is progressing.
She said that although the number of gardens nominated was down, perhaps reflecting the unfriendly weather experienced this summer, the number of nominees in all other categories was well up on previous years and that all nominees were being invited to the awards ceremony.
“Interest and competition in the awards continues to grow and the facility to nominate by text has seen greater use. Again many of the properties and gardens were nominated by address only so were probably nominated by passers-by. The committee has been delighted by the response to our call for the painting of premises which has been even better than last year. So many premises have been painted, including several major landmark properties this year. Clean, freshly painted, tidy buildings are the foundation of success and we are very grateful to everyone who has done their bit to keep the town looking good,” she said.
“This year again, everyone will receive a certificate and award winners will only be disclosed on the night. As always, the awards are sponsored by Monaghan County Council which has been so supportive of the Tidy Towns effort. This year we also have another new cup sponsored by last years Hall of Fame winners Bernard and Theresa Meehan of Hilldene House. Three new categories will include Best Public Building, Best Window Display and Best Service Station.”
“We will also be continuing our practice of recognising those who make a special effort in volunteering to help out the Tidy Towns cause in Monaghan. There will be awards for Community Endeavour including Environmentalist of the Year, Tidy Towns Heroes and Litter Vigilante.
Invitations to the award nominees are being sent out at the moment but everyone is welcome to come along. .
The 2012 awards nominees are
Best Estate:
St Patricks Tce/Belgium Sq/Pk (Kilnacloy Residents Association)
Drumbear Wood
Pound Hill/Killygoan area
Manor Wood
Glencove Manor
The Corran
Cluain Ard
Cluain Lorcan
Best Estate Entrance:
The Corran
Belgium Park
Drumbear Wood
Best Shop Front:
Albany Modern Décor, Market Street
Wards Pharmacy, Market St
Hughes Florists, Dublin St
JP Flowers, Market St
Esprit, The Diamond
Suzanne Michaels, Dublin St
Ronaghans, The Diamond
Wineways, Glaslough St
Star Lighting, Glaslough St
Mc Connons, Old Cross Square
DG Hair, Glaslough St.
Boyles, The Diamond
Magills, The Diamond
Best Pub:
The Squealing Pig, The Diamond
Master Deery’s, Park St
The Shambles, Dublin St
An Poc Fada, North Rd
Teach Aindi, Market St
Terry’s Bar, Market St
Tir na nOg , Park St
Jimmy’s Ltd, Mill St
Best Business Front:
Cinderella, Market St
Mc Ardle Cassidy Mc Quaid, North Rd
Barry Healy & Co., Hillside
Flemings Department Store, Church Square
Mc Guirk’s Fuels, Old Cross Square
Zanni, Mall Rd
Rushes Hair Salon, Dublin St
Richie’s Barbers, Dublin St
Hanrahan Travel
Bank of Ireland
National Irish Bank
Maurice Graham Ltd
Best Hotel/Tourism:
Westenra Hotel,
Four Seasons Hotel
Hillgrove Hotel
Best B&B
The Meadows B&B, Latlurcan
Ashleigh House, Dublin St.
Hilldene B&B, Canal St.
Brosna House Latlurcan
Melrose House, Killygoan
Best Restaurant or Take Away
Dinkins, Church Square
Teach Aindi, Market St
Pizza D’Or, Market St
Little Neroni, Glaslough St
The Plaza Restaurant, Old Cross Square
Pinky and Perky’s, Glaslough St.
Monaghans Prettiest Garden–
Mandy Mee, Killygoan
Sharpes, Clones Rd
Myers, Clones Road
Hughes, Clones Road
Dawson and Pearl Breakey, Tully
Roseanna Myles, 10 Beechgrove Lawns
Marian and Paddy Quigley, Mullaghcrockery,
Best Floral Display
Sponsored by Francie Coogan, New Terrace, (CUP)
Ashleigh House,
The Shambles
Town Hall
Sew and Sews, Dublin St
Teach Aindi
Mc Cleary’s, North Rd..
Public Buildings
The Market House
The County Museum
The Town Hall
Motor Tax Office
Window Display
Star Lighting
Boutique, Glaslough St
Albany Modern Décor
Shuzella, Glaslough St.
Service Stations
Topaz, N2
Sams Bridge, Drumlusk, Mace
Texaco/Centra, Dublin Rd.
Macartan Rd
Get Ready for Monaghan Tidy Towns Awards 2012!
Local Awards Judge will Visit in August. New Categories Added

Get ready for this year’s Monaghan Tidy Towns Awards is the message from the Monaghan Tidy Towns Committee as they prepare to bring another outside judge to the town to adjudicate on a wide range of categories from Best Shop-front to Prettiest Garden. Among the new categories will be Best Filling Station/Convenience Store with marks for general tidiness and efforts made to cut down on waste and litter.
The Committee will again invite a judge from outside the county in the shape of Mr Larry Magnier, Blackrock Tidy Towns – a Gold Medal winning town.
Committee secretary, Emer Brennan, explained that a previous Tidy Towns Committee field trip had included a visit to Dundalk, Blackrock and Tallanstown, all of whom had won a prestigious gold medal for their efforts. “Field trips are very useful learning experiences and we were certainly made very welcome in Louth, and, having seen first hand the tremendous work done there, we were not surprised that they had garnered so much acclaim.”
“Our own local awards were set up six years ago as part of our first development plan and every year we like to add something new. Last year we’ve asked Richie Barry of Tallanstown, the 2010 national winners to come and judge and give an outside perspective to our awards. This year it will be Larry Magnier from Blackrock. We intend to organise the adjudication of the awards in August again this year so the judge will visit before the end of the month to have a look at all the shop fronts, businesses, pubs, B&Bs, hotels and gardens. We would especially like to thank all the residents, businesses and owners of premises who have revamped, painted and spruced up their premises in the town this year, particularly considering the weather we’ve had. And there are still a couple of weeks to get ready before the judge comes. Its amazing how much difference a lick of paint can make!”
Explaining the nomination process she added, “If anyone wants to nominate a building, a garden or a person for an award this year please do. Anyone can do so by the following means – email – use the “contact us” form on our web site www.monaghantidytowns.com or [email protected] or text or call Emer or Cheryl at 086 3908504 or 0862270957 or contact any member of the committee.
“As always we are especially interested in any new nominees for gardens this year – we’ve already spotted a few but if your neighbour or someone you know has a garden worth nominating please let us know and take a few photos as well. Self nomination is also allowed so don’t hide your light under a bushel. Committee members will also be on the lookout for nominees in all categories. We need nominations as soon as possible. Every year we discover someone who has been working quietly in some way on behalf of the town and we like to recognise them through our Community Endeavour Awards so if you know anyone who you think deserves to be recognised please let us know that too.”
The Committee will again invite a judge from outside the county in the shape of Mr Larry Magnier, Blackrock Tidy Towns – a Gold Medal winning town.
Committee secretary, Emer Brennan, explained that a previous Tidy Towns Committee field trip had included a visit to Dundalk, Blackrock and Tallanstown, all of whom had won a prestigious gold medal for their efforts. “Field trips are very useful learning experiences and we were certainly made very welcome in Louth, and, having seen first hand the tremendous work done there, we were not surprised that they had garnered so much acclaim.”
“Our own local awards were set up six years ago as part of our first development plan and every year we like to add something new. Last year we’ve asked Richie Barry of Tallanstown, the 2010 national winners to come and judge and give an outside perspective to our awards. This year it will be Larry Magnier from Blackrock. We intend to organise the adjudication of the awards in August again this year so the judge will visit before the end of the month to have a look at all the shop fronts, businesses, pubs, B&Bs, hotels and gardens. We would especially like to thank all the residents, businesses and owners of premises who have revamped, painted and spruced up their premises in the town this year, particularly considering the weather we’ve had. And there are still a couple of weeks to get ready before the judge comes. Its amazing how much difference a lick of paint can make!”
Explaining the nomination process she added, “If anyone wants to nominate a building, a garden or a person for an award this year please do. Anyone can do so by the following means – email – use the “contact us” form on our web site www.monaghantidytowns.com or [email protected] or text or call Emer or Cheryl at 086 3908504 or 0862270957 or contact any member of the committee.
“As always we are especially interested in any new nominees for gardens this year – we’ve already spotted a few but if your neighbour or someone you know has a garden worth nominating please let us know and take a few photos as well. Self nomination is also allowed so don’t hide your light under a bushel. Committee members will also be on the lookout for nominees in all categories. We need nominations as soon as possible. Every year we discover someone who has been working quietly in some way on behalf of the town and we like to recognise them through our Community Endeavour Awards so if you know anyone who you think deserves to be recognised please let us know that too.”